A simple mindset change can make a huge difference.
Can you imagine how much your life could change for the better if you could make more time for everything? More output at work? – more downtime at home? – More ‘you’ time (at last)? I’m about to show you that it’s not only possible, it’s also one of the simplest life changes you’ll ever make.
For those of you who know me well, this post will come as no surprise. Operationally, I’m what you might call a bit of a machine. Not in a robotic sense, more in a resourceful, logical, thoughtful and productive kind of way.
Helping people towards ‘Operational Excellence’ is a long-time passion of mine, I’ve even created a workshop dedicated to achieving it alongside this blog. As technology moves on, the battleground changes. So, finding new ways to keep pace with the changes is essential for maintaining the perfect work/life balance.
I can confidently share that I ‘get things done’ in half the time it takes many others. I caveat that with how much I pride myself on the ‘quality’ output of my work. But it isn’t speed or higher ability that gives me this life-changing edge – it’s all about focus.
Motivation, whatever that is for you, is the fuel of focus. Mine may surprise you…
I am going to live for 100 years!
Yep, that’s right. 100.
I won’t die earlier than that, but I may live longer. I’ll remain fit and active (ish), and I’m completely certain that I’ll achieve it.
Before you write me off as an eternal optimist; take a look at some facts behind this bold claim that motivate my focus and convince me that it is achievable:
100 years is brief, I mean really brief! Scientists have calculated that Earth is 4.54 billion years old. Mathematically, 100 years is just 0.00000000022222 % that of Earth’s. If applied to the clock, it’s less than a nanosecond. So, living to be 100 is hardly anything, barely a blip compared to the age of the Earth. Definitely doable.
There’s a lot to do in this life – and so little time! Does it feel like the older you get; the faster time seems to go? Life really is what you make it. And there are things I want to do, see, master and accomplish in my life. Stopping short of a goal just isn’t me. I’m gonna make it a reality.
“Live each day as if it’s your last” – yea right! Whoever came up with this saying was clearly rich with no responsibilities. While I love the thought of this, most people will live to be 80+. So, unfortunately, you do have to do a little planning, make some money, and consider those around you (Bummer!).
So, as I see it, the timescale isn’t unachievable – the things I want to do in my lifetime are my ultimate motivation – and I’ll put a solid plan in place to give me the best chance possible of making it all happen.
My point is this; a simple mindset change can make a huge difference.
Now, before a huge boulder falls from the sky and squashes me to death, here’s my fallback plan. The one that guarantees the time needed to achieve awesome productivity and quality results at work – relax more at home – and do more of the things I love; with the people I love the most.