You’re NEVER ‘The Only One’ – and there’s ALWAYS Someone to ‘Lean On’
He also began meditating to help mentally deal with the pain, when eventually we came across a Facebook group called ‘Leakers Down Under’, I kid you not!
On this group, Ian connected with people who understood 100% what he was going through.
They made suggestions for remedies which helped, like dandelion tea which suppresses the production of CSF and eased the headaches. It was through this group we were finally introduced to the specialist that changed everything.
Ian was the first person to undergo a new approach being practiced in the USA. It was extremely invasive and stressful, and, finally, they found the leak site which lead to full spinal surgery in February 2018.
I don’t think I was fully prepared for the surgery or what to expect. I’ve been lucky enough to not spend any time in hospital throughout my life. Ian was in surgery for four and a half hours, when I was finally able to see him, he was in ICU.
I’d never seen so many tubes and machines. He was totally out of it. Drifting in and out of consciousness. I adore my husband, but after seeing him like that the love dialed up even more.
A further seven days recovering followed. Each day looking better, eating, and getting back to his witty self. Getting him back home was the best feeling. We are so grateful to the amazing team at Macquarie University Hospital, the surgery was a success, but the recovery was the longest, hardest road.
I suppose we both expected that Ian would wake up and all of the symptoms would dissipate immediately. That he would instantly feel relief and be back to his normal self again. Unfortunately, this wasn’t the case.
Ian’s body had been under such immense stress that it took months to re-calibrate. He still had the headaches but was down to taking pain killers just once a day.
We shifted focus to more meditation, posture alignment through the Feldenkrais Method, plant-based diet, gentle exercise, and began socialising again. Slowly but surely Ian got there, and there was one method which really made Ian turn the final corner.
We watched a fascinating documentary called Heal on Netflix we’d stumbled across where scientists and spiritual teachers discuss how thoughts, beliefs, and emotions impact human health and the ability to heal.
After watching this, we decided to book Ian in with a spiritual healer. Two years ago, Ian would have rather poked his eyes out with a pin than do anything spiritual (like many he is a real sceptic), but now, he is open to anything.
He spent an hour lying on his back, being spoken to in the ‘light language’, and his body was encouraged to heal and align following the physical surgery he had been through.
He slept well that night – and from that day hasn’t touched a pain killer.
I’m happy to report that Ian is now 99.9% healed, with the odd headache giving him a nudge to remind him he’s, like the rest of us, mortal.
To this day we still don’t know how Ian obtained the tear, he was simply sat writing an email when it first struck.
Do we ever want to go through this again? Hell no!
Would we go through it again if we had to? Hell yes! Yes!
Wondering why? Well, let me explain …
When your health is taken away from you, when your loved ones are hurting, you realise a few things:
- Without your health – you have absolutely nothing. You could be a millionaire. It makes absolutely no difference when you’re incapable of living
- You put your health first. Ian now cares about what he eats, what he is putting in his body, he listens to how he feels and will explore anything that doesn’t feel right
- You don’t sweat the small stuff! Seriously, the silly things that used to play on our minds have no place in our life. Get a grip people, forget the spats, don’t take things personally, and respect everyone’s differences, that’s what life is about
- You appreciate being present in every experience
- It opens your mind. Meditation, relaxation, stress management, spirituality, ‘understanding different perspectives’ and ways of living. Ian is open to all of this now (he doesn’t think I’m completely ‘barmy’ anymore)